The Lotto is a complete set and was only 50p!
The tin is packed with wooden cotton reels, ribbon, buttons, cord, lace and a whole reel of white egg shell ribbon (which does the same as Tims ribbon ie takes ink and stays crinkled).
The round things are drawer/door handles (about 25 for £1).
And the book is beautiful! It is about the hand drawn/painted postcards/letters a grandad (Sir Henry Thornhill) has sent to his grandchildren from 1914 -1923, it has so many lovely pics in it, a bargain at £1!
Just need to make something with them now!
I'm not going to cut up the book by the way! (I had such a telling off from my 7yr old grandson when he saw what I had done to the othe book! (allthough he did say he liked what I had done, I had to make a pinky promise I would NOT cut this one up!) So I wouldn't dare, not that I was going to anyway!!!