Friday, 10 July 2015

My New Art Space!

I am such a lucky girl! A few months ago we had a new Summerhouse put up in our garden! I have about a third of it to draw and paint in! (Have promised it will not spill out into the rest of the summerhouse). I found this cupboard in a lovely little shop called The Vintage Locket in Rushden, it was shoved at the back of the shop looking very sorry but it was just what I needed! The lovely owner said she would paint it for me (the same as the sideboard I had just brought!) 

The inside needs more work from me but most of the things I wanted in there fitted perfectly!

This is the other side of the room with my tiny table (I mostly hold my paper/book/canvas when I work so I just needed a small space for paints water etc) in the drawers there are pens, in the suitcase is my ready to go art things (although I haven't had the confidence to actually go anywhere and draw yet)! 
I am just waiting for some electricity to be installed so I can have Internet out there so I can art away while watching my friends on Ustream!